Special needs KCPE candidates beat all odds to shine

Article 24 of the Convention on the rights of Persons with disabilities States that state Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. With a view to realizing this right without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity, States Parties shall ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning directed to:

  • (a) The full development of human potential and sense of dignity and self-worth, and the strengthening of respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and human diversity;
  • (b) The development by persons with disabilities of their personality, talents and creativity, as well as their mental and physical abilities, to their fullest potential;

This year KCPE Special Needs Education candidates did exemplary well with the highest student earning 420 marks an improvement from last year highest score of 414 marks.

Here in Machakos County the highest student was able to get 411 marks, Joseph Kyalo Kioko of Kangundo DEB. It was noted that the number of candidates with special needs recorded a high of (2675) an increase from 2019(2,407). Most of the SNE candidates had physical disabilities (1201) followed by those with hearing impairment(738).

9 of the SNE candidates were able to score 400 marks, 318 between 300 and 399 marks, 897 between 200 and 299 marks, 1356 between 100 and 199marks and 11 scored below 100 marks. Cabinet Secretary Education, Professor George Magoha said that form one selection will be done on May 28.

“To ensure candidates are placed in the schools of choice based on performance and available spaces, the Ministry of Education will employ a water tight system that will be both credible and of highest integrity,” Said CS Education.

In addition he announced that the government will offer 9,000 scholarships under the Elimu Scholarship Program, which was initiated in 2019. Parents with special needs pupils need to take advantage of such initiatives among others such as Wings to Fly in order to ensure that their children do not fail to join secondary schools.

Prof Magoha mentioned that majority of the special needs candidates were those with physical disability(1,202) followed by those with hearing impairment(738).

Additionally it was noted that the number of candidates who sat the exam under special circumstances including those who sat the papers in hospitals increased from 1,176 in 2019 to 1,255 in 2020.

Results of the students who sat their papers in rehabilitation centers were not announced. As CS Magoha says, SNE candidates when given a fair and conducive environment can excel.

We wish all KCPE candidates and their parents the best even in the next stage of their lives.

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