Governance encompasses the system by which an organization or Government is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held to account. Governance is inclusive when it effectively serves and engages all people including PWDs and when policies and government services are accessible and responsive to all members of society.

The new Constitution under Article 48 provides that the State is obliged to ensure access to justice for every citizen. Access to justice includes the recognition of rights, awareness, understanding and knowledge of the law, protection of those rights, equal access for all to judicial mechanisms for such protection; the respectful, fair, impartial and expeditious adjudication of claims within the judicial mechanism; easy availability of information pertinent to one’s rights; equal right to the protection of one’s rights by the legal enforcement agencies; easy entry into the judicial justice system; easy availability of physical legal infrastructure; affordability of the adjudication engagement; respect for cultural rights and the intent to provide a conducive environment within which the judicial system can operate.

1. To enhance accountability among the duty bearers resulting to effective service delivery for PWDs in Lower eastern

2. To Increase participation of PWDs in devolved governance processes in Lower Eastern

3. To Strengthen Organizations of persons with disabilities(OPDs) voice in building an inclusive, responsive and accountable governance processes.

4. To Promote inclusive engagement and meaningful participation of PWD’s in county processes

5. To advocate, promote quality and timely legal assistance to PWDs


1. Enhanced accountability among the duty bearers resulting to effective service delivery in Machakos, Kitui and Makueni counties.

2. Increased inclusivity and access of persons with disabilities to services, opportunities and governance platforms in lower eastern.

3. Enhanced collaboration between the Non-state Actors and State for responsive and accountable governance processes.

4. Access to justice and human rights among PWDs increased .

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