Strengthening PWDs to compete fairly in business

The business arena is usually very competitive and its only the resilient ones that are able to compete fairly and make it through. Persons with Disability are not left out in this. They have launched into the business field and they are doing well.

However, there are some areas in business that need comprehensive training such as :

  • Business management
  • Technical skill development
  • Self advocacy
  • Access to purchase order(LPO)
  • Access to potential customers
  • Access to networks

On the 26th of March 2021, BLINK in partnership with UDPK conducted a business training at Lysak Haven Park, that was geared towards sensitizing PWDS on a program that has been started in Machakos by Light for the World organization. This program known as “The In Business Program” is meant to sustainably grow PWDS micro-enterprises through holistic business support and linkages.

PWD representatives at Lysak attending a business training

This training saw the PWDs that were present sign forms that sought to identify their specific business needs. Thereafter, Light for the World will contact the Machakos Cohort so that they begin their training.

You might be asking how you can qualify for this program, Micro entrepreneurs and businesses that satisfy the below criteria are encouraged to apply:

  • The business should be owned by a person with disability or a primary care giver of a person with disability.
  • The business should have been registered
  • The business should make Ksh 10,000 and above monthly.
  • The business should have been in operation for more than 6 months.
  • The program is designed to fit a duration of 10 months.

    Program’s Road-map Intake
    • Needs assessment
    • Businesses are categorized
    • Business skills
    • Technical skills
    • Self-advocacy skills and rights
    • Quality control
    • Group Dynamics
    • Procurement and processes
    • Business Environment
    • Branding
    • Market Linkages
    • Financing
    • Mentorship
    • Cohort Transition

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