PWDs resilience in business

1. Introduce yourself to the people Madam– “My name is Jeriter Mutinda Mutisya. I was born and raised in Machakos, attended local primary and secondary schools and later went to Nairobi for my undergraduate studies.”

2. What kind of business do you do?– “I sell cereals i.e. maize, rice, wimbi, beans and other cereals both in wholesale and in retail.”

3. Is this the only business you do? “No I am involved in real estate and I have a few rental residential houses in Miwani. I have managed to build these houses from the profit I have accrued from this cereal business. The profit I get is what I bank and am able to access loans that have helped me build the residential houses.”

4. What inspired you to start this business? “To begin with, I began this business 10 years ago and the reason I did this was because I am a parent and kids have to eat at the end of the day. Therefore cereals is a done deal.”

5. On a light note tell us a bit about parenting “I am a mother of two children, one is in form four and the other one is in form one.

6. What are some of the positives in this business ” First when kids have closed schools I am assured of a big number of customers. Secondly, Through this business, I have been able to achieve a lot like paying school fees for my Kids and also do a bit of self development.

7. hat are some of the challenges you have faced in this business? “To start with, price fluctuation of fuel and VAT has greatly affected the prices of cereals. Secondly, Covid-19 pandemic has also affected the business sector making prices of acquiring cereals to shoot. Thirdly, I cannot work under the sun but that has not deterred me from working like any other business person.

8. Has the County Government and national government done anything to cushion business people? “Yes, the county has exempted small scale traders from paying business permits. Myself, I do not pay license fee due to my disability which is an added advantage.”

9. What more would you love done for you as small scale business owners? “I would advocate for us to be given loans in terms of grants that we will not need to pay with interest. This will help us develop ourselves as business people.”

10. Do you face stiff competition from similar business owners around you? ” Yes I face competition because that is the norm in business, but the disability I have is an added advantage to me because many customers want to buy from a Mzungu.” She chuckles. I would say that the disability I have has done me more good than bad.

11. Are you an employer? “Yes, I have one lady working for me at my shop. She assists me run the shop effectively.

12. Where can people reach you incase they want to purchase items? “People can reach me on my phone number which is still my whatsapp number and Mpesa which is 0722796191, On Facebook I am Jeriter Mutinda You are also welcome to visit my shop at the Machakos food and groceries market Shop number 6.”

Some of the Cereals Jeriter sells at an affordable price.

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